Purpose: Raise environmental awareness in one’s own community
Form: 5-8th*
Time: 1-2 hours each day
PCVs: At least 2, maybe more if you have a large group
*We used a 7th former to help with translation
Day 1: General Information
Educational Jeopardy/Discussion
Materials: Jeopardy Board
Divide kids into 2 teams.
Give kids 1-2 min to give their answer
Discuss the answers and spend extra time on the ones they got wrong
Environmental Jeopardy Categories and Questions
How long does it take?
Plastic Bag - 50+ years
Glass Bottle - 1,000,000+ years
Cigarette Butt - 2-5 years
Plastic Bottle - 450-800 eyars
Rubber - 50-80 years
What pollutes the air? (cars, factories, burning trash)
What pollutes the water? (trash in water, oil, chemicals, sewage)
Why is burning your trash bad?
Why is water pollution bad?
How do you prevent pollution? (reduce/reuse/recycle, don’t litter, cleaner power aka solar, wind, pick up trash, talk about not littering)
You go to Dashkasan and you see a Chiko semochka bag on the ground. What do you do?
You see your uncle throwing a bucket of trash in the local river. What do you do?
After drinking a coke, your best friend, throws the bottle out of the marshrutka window. What do you say to him/her?
You finish a bottle of Fanta and now you have a bottle. What can you do with it besides throwing it away?
How can you educate your friends about the environment?
Day 2: Recycle Art
Materials: plastic bottles, old magazines, glue, yarn, scissors, etc.
There are a ton of things you can make from every day trash, you can make kids bring their own on pre-plan an activity. In Barda we made mobiles.
All you need is sticks, yarn and old newspapers or magazines.
Have kids work individually and encourage creativity.
Share everyone’s work in the end
Day 3: Environmental Walk/Scavenger Hunt
Materials: Checklist for scavenger hunt, prizes
Identify an area in or around your community where you can take the children.
Go to the area a day before the planned walk and outline a rough route.
Pick out items on the walk for kids to identify (broken bottle, 4 leaf-clover, etc
Divide the kids in teams with a PCV as each group leader.
Have kids find as many items on their scavenger list and have the group leader/PCV check the items off.
After you finish, have a brief discussion of what you saw and what we can do to improve or keep the area the same
Day 4: Clean Up/Picnic
Materials: Plastic bags (we used plastic bags to collect the trash in and put over our hands instead of gloves); hand sanitizer
Identify a small area to clean, as a group clean, the area for at least 30 min
Have a celebratory picnic (have each kid bring something, etc)
Notes from the Barda camp:
We had 12 kids show between the ages of 10 and 13 and we also got a 7th former to come and help us translate. We did our camp at the local “Usaq Park” and did our lessons and activities in and around it. For the nature walk, we went to the Barda forest which has a lot of cool looking trees and also a ton of trash piles everywhere. We had kids look for specific trees, leaves, bottles, syringes, birds, bugs and other pieces of trash. For the picnic we picked out the items we wanted and had kids sign up for what they’ll bring during the 2nd day of camp so they have enough time to get it done. All in all the kids had a ton of fun and so did we! Good luck!